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As a woman, you have a lot to think about financially. In the list below, check off any concerns you have right now. An investment professional can help address the unique financial challenges that women face and that may be worrying you most. Knowing the right questions to ask is the first step toward finding solutions.
Retirement - Women tend to live longer than men. So, try to fully fund your retirement savings to meet your lifestyle and health care expenses.
Education Planning - Whether you decide to go back to school yourself or need to pay for a child's tuition, plan early!
Life Events -Don't be among the 43% of advised women surveyed who delay life events because of finances.* Know the financial consequences of your life event choices - and plan for them!

*2018 MFS Heritage Planning Survey: MFS conducted an online survey of 1,500 individual investors. MFS was not identified as the sponsor. To qualify, respondents had to have a household income of at least $50,000, be invested in mutual funds and make or share in the financial decisions for the household. Six hundred twenty-one females who use the services of a financial advisor participated in the survey.


This material should be used as helpful hints only. Each person's situation is different. You should consult your investment professional or other relevant professional before making any decisions.


MFS does not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice. Clients of MFS should obtain their own independent tax and legal advice based on their particular circumstances.

Eldercare - You may be the likely caregiver for aging parents. If you take time off work, be sure to makeup for any lost retirement savings.
Estate Planning - Don't make these important decisions in a crisis. Women who plan ahead financially have more choices.
Financial Basics - More than 60% of advised women surveyed want to know more about advertising.* Ask questions! You don't need to know a lot to make good financial decisions.

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DISCLOSURE: Advisory Services offered through Blackridge Asset Management, LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Securities are offered through Peak Brokerage Services, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC. Blackridge Asset Management, LLC and Diversified Financial Solutions are separate and independent entities from Peak Brokerage Services, LLC.


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